John Ball Primary School

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Our Governors

Welcome to John Ball’s Governing Body

We want our governors to reflect our John Ball community. People of all backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities have a valuable contribution to make and should think about becoming a John Ball Governor.

The John Ball Governing Body is made up of parents, staff and community members. Governors are elected or appointed for four year terms. Though we come from different backgrounds and bring a variety of skills and life experiences we all share John Ball’s Vision and Values

What does the Governing Body do?
Together we provide strategic leadership and accountability across our school, including:

  • Being responsible for the strategic direction and management of the school.
  • Identifying with the Senior Leadership Team the key priorities for the school and monitoring the school’s progress against those, as set out in the School Improvement Plan. 
  • Ensuring the school's aims, vision, values and ethos are applied consistently throughout the school.
  • Monitoring the educational progress and attainment of all children – identifying those groups where progress and attainment are lower to ensure that the right support can be given.
  • Safeguarding, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), and Health and Safety arrangements.
  • Overseeing the school’s budget, including input into staff numbers, expenditure and pay reviews.
  • Ensuring that the voices of the stakeholders are heard and taken into account including children, staff, parents and carers.

The vision for our governing body is: to create an inspiring, aspirational and mutually respectful team, who provide cohesive strategic leadership and guidance for John Ball Primary School, ensuring that together we all learn to achieve and thrive in every way

The mission for our governing body is: to be in service of the strongest possible school culture, delivering through openness, transparency and progressiveness.

How to contact our Governing Body

You can contact our Chair, Nina Hodges or any of the governors by emailing the Clerk to Governors, Daniel Hudson at 

Meeting minutes

Minutes can be obtained by the school office in both electronic and printed copy.  Please email or call 0208 852 1601 where the team will be able to support you.  If you have any questions about items covered in the minutes, please contact the Clerk to Governors, Daniel Hudson at 

Structure and Committees

Our Chair of Governors is Nina Hodges. Our Safeguarding Governor is Emma Smillie.

Committees are established within the Governing Body to take responsibility for particular management areas. Individual Governors normally serve on one committee, according to their skills, expertise or interest.

The John Ball Full Governing Board meets once every term. There are two sub-committees: Standards and Curriculum committee, and Personnel, Co-ordinating and Finance Committee. The details of who sits on these can be found below:

Personnel, Co-cordinating and Finance Committee (2024/2025)

Amine Zungi (chair)

Runa Lynch
Nina Hodges
Emma Smillie
Judith Wilkinson
Aoine Wilson
Jacqui Noakes

Standards and Curriculum Committee (2024/2025)

Emma Smillie (chair)

Leah Caine
Tony Massiah
Nina Hodges
Jacqui Noakes
Katie Wampler

To view the composition of our Governing Body and attendance  2023/2024 - please click here 

To view the register of interests of our Governing Body 2022/2023 - please click here

To view our governor information (including those who have served at any point in the last 12 months) please click here.